“Life on Life’s Terms” 2020 Corrections Conference

Online Zoom

“There is an island of opportunity in the middle of every difficulty.” ― Alcoholics Anonymous 2020 Corrections Conference “Life on Life’s Terms”sponsored by NETA 65 October 24, 2020  10:00 AM – 3:30 PM Zoom Meeting ID: 844 6156 5567 Passcode: 919770 For more information: https://neta65.org/event/2020-correx/ Email: corrections69@neta65.org Please see linked flyers for meeting details and […]

Carrollton Group 39th Anniversary Celebration -Virtual Event

Online Zoom

CARROLLTON GROUP ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION - Sunday, October 11, 2020 2:00pm ~ Welcome 2:15pm ~ Group History 2:30pm ~ Guest Speaker: Jimmy D. (Chicago Group) 3:30pm ~ Zoom Fellowship Join us on Zoom:  Meeting ID: 846 5140 0541  Password: Carr1234 Flyer: Carrollton Group 39th Anniversary  

Clean Air Group’s 35th Anniversary- Virtual

Online Zoom

The Steering Committee and the Fellowship/Programs Committee announces Clean Air Group's 35th Annual Anniversary Celebration Saturday, October 3 at 7:00 PM on Zoom. The plans for the evening will be to open our Zoom meeting at 7:00 PM with a brief time to visit among those attending on Zoom; at 7:20 PM we will be privileged to hear […]

Cooperation with the Professional Community for Members of the Clergy

Online Zoom

This is a virtual workshop being held Tuesday September 29 from 6:00 to 7:30 PM.  The workshop is hosted by District 54 and will be held via Zoom. A.A. History ~ Tahtianna F. What A.A. Does ~ Kim D. Personal Story ~ Nicole S. Please see the linked flyer for details. CPC_Clergy_Workshop 9.29.20

Carrying The Message in the Time of COVID: Group Considerations & Concerns

Online Zoom

This is a public event hosted by District 23 KS. This workshop aims to help AA groups sort through various aspects of hosting meetings during these COVID times. There will be multiple speakers on public health, policy and AA Traditions, as well as opportunities for Q&A. Please see the linked flyer for event details: Carrying-the-Message-Covid-flyer-v.6