
NETA 65 and General Service


What is NETA 65? (North East Texas Area 65)

In Alcoholics Anonymous, an area is a geographic grouping of Districts, which are geographic groupings of groups or meetings. AA areas are usually made up of smaller geographic areas called districts, which have their own activities and organization structures. 

Here are some other things to know about AA areas:

  • Delegates
    Each area elects a delegate to attend the annual General Service Conference in New York City, where voting delegates decide on important matters.
  • General Service Representatives (GSRs)
    Groups or meetings elect GSRs to represent them at area and district business meetings. GSRs also communicate with the delegate representing their area at the General Service Conference.
  • Service events
    Areas hold events such as Area Assemblies, Area Committee Meetings, General Service Conventions, Mini-Conferences, and Days of Sharing.
Visit the website for North East Texas Area 65 for more information:


What’s the difference between NETA 65 and Intergroup/Central Office?

NETA 65 is part of the General Service Structure of AA, which is the main artery for each group to have a voice at the General Service Conference. Your group’s GSR (General Service Representative) links your group to the General Service Structure.

Dallas Intergroup is your local AA service office, which has a separate service structure, supported by local AA groups to meet local 12th step needs. As a local entity of Alcoholics Anonymous, Dallas Intergroup is designed as a resource and information hub for groups in the Dallas Metroplex. Your group may elect an IGR (Intergroup Representative) to have a voice within our intergroup service structure. 

In both service structures, AA Groups are at the top, and meeting the AA Group’s primary purpose of helping suffering alcoholics is paramount. 

Interactive District Maps from NETA65 Website: